Luciano at AU Brazil.
Autodesk Brazil invited Luciano Neves from ClanVFX to represent the Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry in a special session at Autodesk University Brazil 2015. Luciano and other industry leaders were in front of almost 2000 people in the main Auditorium at WTC answering questions and talking about what is expected on M&E professionals. How he is challenging the industry changes and what’s his advice for people who want to get into the business.
Sharing experience and knowledge were the main goals of this great final session at AU Brazil 2015 and Luciano added a tremendous values to this conversation.
Thanks Luciano for accepting this invitation and hope to see you next AU Brazil!

Autodesk visits ClanVFX
Rodrigo Assaf, Media & Entertainment Technical Specialist from Latin America and Gary Davis, Senior Technical Specialist from USA were visiting ClanVFX on the second of September 2015. Our main purpose was delivering information about the new features of Autodesk 3DS Max 2016 + Extension 1 and Autodesk Maya 2016. We have gathered the whole ClanVFX team and presented the cool stuff.
We covered the new delta-mush deform, bifrost foam, guided simulation, sculpting tools and hypershading on the Maya side. For 3DS Max, the main topics covered were MCG, Performance cache with Alembic, new Skin solvers (voxels and heatmap) and animation offsets. Gary and Rodrigo had a great time exchanging information and experience with such a talent team at ClanVFX.
Right after the demo session Gary Davis did an awesome NDA session for the owners of ClanVFX. He talked about the roadmap of 3DS Max and the future of its tools. Fantastic.
We are so glad Autodesk is helping ClanVFX to deliver an amazing job. When technology and talent meet the result is inspiring!
Hope we can come back often to ClanVFX.
